Monday, May 10, 2010

Boredom Strikes

I just looked at projects from first semester sophomore year. All I can say is, whoaaaaaaaaa nelly! My, have things changed. I think I finally just realized how much I've learned. Kind of sad it hasn't hit me until now. But, I guess it had to at some point! I think we've all come a very long way since then, and we have a long way to go. You never stop learning, I just learned a great deal from the somewhat ridiculous mistakes I made on my first drafting project. Can't help but laugh though.

I can't believe that the wolfpack is going to be the oldest in Norton, (SENIORS!) besides the faculty of course. It just boggles my mind how it went by so fast. I've got lots to learn and can tell you right now that I am no where close to being ready for a big girl job in the real world. If only I could lay low for about...5 more years? Then I'll be ready. Maybe?

Hope summer is going well for every one! Mine is somewhat boring. I'm having major wolfpack withdrawal and don't know if I'll be able to last the whole summer.

Glynn CoCo

PS - I think we should keep everyone updated on our oh so exciting summer activities!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

When one door closes another opens....

So.... WE ARE OFFICAILLY SENIORS!! I find myself 3 hours from High Point and Norton Hall and I never thought I would miss it so much. It has been a year of ups and downs but our Interior design family has suck together every step of the way. As our Junior year come to an end we all stand at a new beginning. Summer is always fun and spontaious and we are all awaiting great opertunities for summer work. Bring on the summer and bring us back home to Norton Hall Safe and sound in the fall. Miss you wolf pack!!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Change of Scenery

Hi Y'all!
SO our junior year is coming to a close and for some reason we find ourselves not in norton hall but in the library..weird huh? we thought so too.
as of today all of our interior design projects and finals are DONE and we just have a few papers and finals to finish up and then its SUMMER!

just thought id keep everyone out there updated on the wolfpack!

well its back to studying pysch for me!
