I know right away that I am going to be denying ever said that I miss norton come the end of the month but right now I've been separated from my wolf pack for 3 whole months! I miss them and our crazy late night antics sosososososososo much! It absolutely boggles my mind that in 3 short weeks we will officially be seniors. OMG!!!!! The implications of the real world have slowly started to hit me. After working a real 9-5 job in the city this summer I've started to realize this is more or less what my life will be like next May, scare-y. Which leads me to believe that many of the wolfpack's other back up careers (cupcake shop, frozen yogurt shop, almost anything involving food really) are not such a bad idea after all. We can all run it and never have to leave each other (talk about having a hard time letting go). But since I still have a few months until I decide what I'm really doing with the rest of my life I'm super excited to get back to school and be reunited with my loves :)
Until then, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer!