Thursday, February 24, 2011

Transform This.

We've decided that Glynn Coco's floor plan for senior sem looks like a transformer and Snookie made this beautiful work of art to share with us.
We've gotten a lot of laughs out of it and that's what counts when we are all on the brink of killing our professors because of the ridiculous requirements of our senior sem project. Since when are Interior Designers responsible for designing a roof?...or a parking lot?...last I checked that was the job of the contractor or architect, but does my opinion really matter? We gotta do it anyways so we might as well suck it up. This transformer embodies our anger and has become a new channel of stress relief. Praise G. Coco for making such a beautiful floor plan and praise Snooks for showing us a very profesh looking comparison of the two.
Off to starbucks to get me through the rest of the night (/early morning)...Loooove, Bianc

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Since when is the impossible, possible...???

I'd like to thank a little old cartoon character named Kim Possible for putting this idea into the minds of our professors.
Sometimes I just want to scream...the impulse hits me more often than should be considered normal. Right now is one of those times. Our professors are constantly expecting us to do the impossible. For example...start designing our solution for the Millis House without the scope of the project or the programming book. HOOOOOW EXACTLY AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?...HUH? TELL ME!!! couldn't do it either. "Some people are so inconsiderate"- direct quote from Glozelle (that's for you Pilot).
Don't think I am ungrateful. I am grateful for plenty of of those being my best friends...mah homegirls as you might say. Hollah atcha girrrls. And thanks for staying in the lib with me last night Glynn are a true friend!
I am NOT grateful for the gray hairs I keep finding on my head. I blame the major, the professors, and the unnecessary projects that are defined as "a little old space planning project" or something that we just have to "throw together." If that were true, HOW COME THEY TAKE US 2 MONTHS? HOW COME WE NEVER SLEEP? Is sleep and a little social life too much to ask for? I would just like a little praise or pat on the back for my work and I am sure we all feel that way. My future is looking bleak and doomed....

The future janitor of America,
<3 Bianc

Gen Eds are going to be the death of me!

Hi yall! i figured while I was on a role with procrastinating my paper it would be the perfect time to blog. So here it is 12:30am and well... my paper still isnt finished..oops. I know bianca and glynn coco are enjoying writing this paper as much as i am. the resolution to all the problems were reading about... WORLD PEACE :) like the big smiley face glynn coco put on her paper last night.

well i guess it is time to refocus and get back to that paper....

~Smalls :)