Sunday, February 28, 2010

7 is the Magic Number...

Story of our lives... EVERYTHING in life takes 7 times longer then we expect it to. Conclusion... there is no way to do everything that needs to be done and expect it to be good. This is a bit of life knowledge we wanted to pass on from Ms. Sisk. I, Bianca, learned it the hard hard did most of us. I think for me its closer to 20 times, but the wolfpack is training me in cutting corners. It's not cheating...just being more efficient. Anyways, though we rarely see the outside world, we learned that this can be applied to real life situations, not just design school. Our travels to Dunkin' Donuts proved that theory. Five of us ordered donuts and some variation of coffee... 30 minutes later (what was she doing...picking and crushing the coffee beans herself?)... we walked out half-satisfied. 30 minutes for take-out!!! Definately an instance where it took 7 times longer than expected. Who could have guessed? At least Pilot was in her happy place staring and longing for the cakes (see picture); some sort of serene calm came over her while the rest of us got irritable and antsy to return to our jail cell called norton (especially me...since once again it was my fault for taking so long- she made my drink wrong). Which brings me to my next point... the diet of an Interior Design major is not a healthy one.
Some Examples:
- Hot pockets at 1:30 am
- Hot Tamales (Pilot's personal fave)
- Goldfish
- Coffee
- Cherry Coke
- Vending machine snacks (sometimes we get free ones from shaking the machine)
The common denominator: anything with caffeine or sugar.

I think we've left you with enough to ponder for one post. Apply the magic number 7 to your lives...its freaky how accurate it is.

For now... Peace and Blessings

- Bianca

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