Monday, March 1, 2010


How, at the age of 21, am I so stressed out and consumed with work that I have to schedule in showers to my day and hate doing so because I know its taking away from either more work or the few precious hours of sleep I get? After being in Norton all weekend for a minimum typically of 12 hours a day I wonder if I was dropped on my head as a child that I became crazy enough to go through with this major, and what it would be like to have a normal major, a social life, time to sleep, eat, and maybe have some free time to myself. I pretty have to schedule in a break down every day so I can give myself 2 minutes to go cry in the corner, have a minor freak out, yell at myself to get over it, the go back to work. From here on out I think stress should be ILLEGAL, or I should at least have enough time in my day to clean my room, do some laundry, and maybe watch an hour of TV (is that so much to ask?). I know since its nearly 2 am and I've been working all day this seems a little more dramatic than it will in the morning but sometimes I really wonder if we're all crazy for working our butts off like this. I have friends that tell me I'm so lucky to know what I want to do with my life but at what price? This blog has become somewhat of a god send, we all have turned it into our own outlet to vent, scream, share our laughs, joys, triumphs, and everything else in between. Its somewhat comforting to know that all the things that have been said, screamed, or cried out of stress in Norton will make its way somewhere outside of those walls into the real world we rarely venture in to. Right now though, a few hours sleep before class in the morning is what I need to clear my head. Thanks for listening to the freak out world. Maybe my heart rate will drop just slightly now.

-stressed out snooks

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