Sunday, November 21, 2010


Pilot here with some sunday evening pondering. As interior design takes it's toll on our lives and dreams we often aspire to other career opportunities. We each have our back up dreams that may someday replace our worn out interior design goals. Glynn Coco has already started plans for Coco cupcakes, her very own cupcake bakery. Bianca often throws around ideas for her very fitting Fierce Fro-Yo establishment. I have recently come across my alternate career paths. First, being a footy-pajama model with Snooks (the proof is in the picture). However, tonight I have realized my potential in the disk jockey business. We would all benefit from the all said career paths in more ways than one. However our career paths are taking a severe turn in the inevitable direction of Peaches and Cream.
For now.... dare to dream big!

DJ Pilot out!

Monday, November 8, 2010

No Title Needed



Saturday, November 6, 2010


Our life always seems to come full circle... let me explain a little.

We go about our lives as normal, like we are not going completely insane, in hopes that we can avoid the inevitable. We attend class, occasionally make it to the gym, and eat way more than we should. Why is it that we always end up back in the same predicament? On the carpeted road to Peaches and Cream Insane Asylum. Are you DTGTPACIA (down to go to Peaches and Cream Insane Asylum)? We aren't either, but we have come to terms with the fact that it's going to happen whether we like it or not.

Uh oh!... Snooks is gettin' fiesty. I should remind her that we need to stick together on the carpeted road to PACIA.

Life is tough right now. I have hit a road block in my project and am sitting here wondering what to do next. That has happened many times to all of us...we even named it (the zoom-in, zoom-out predicament). *See below blog for explanation.

Glynn Coco is queen of cutting corners. Sometimes we just randomly feel like hugging each other and when she finds ways to cut corners, it's definately one of those times. We hug everything out... it's a wonderful feeling. Since we don't see many people in the outside world, knowing that the friends you spend all your time with actually love a great feeling!

The outside world is calling, so for now, stay sane.

<3 Bianc

Packing for a small vacation...or Norton

So as I was in my apartment preparing myself to come to Norton I fell upon a realization. Packing for going to Norton is like packing for a small vacation. I leave with no less than a backpack and my purse (and when I say purse think more along the lines of "Mary Poppins Bag"). Some of the necessities for a trip to Norton include but are not limited to...

- Extra Clothing...Sweatshirt, socks, sweatpants, slippers etc. Sometimes a blanket is included
-Computer, cell phone, iPod
-Chargers for all above items-you will be there long enough for all of these items to die and recharge multiple times
-Movies to watch on your computer (usually a minimum of 5 dvds plus whatever we can find on netflix)
- Snacks and Drinks-I currently have a few bags of cheez-its, a diet coke, my big nalgene filled with water. This does not include what snacks are already stashed away in my locker, as well as the multiple breaks we'll be taking to get MORE snacks throughout the day
- And then of course our notebooks & textbooks necessary to complete our projects

On the occasion when we really go all out and are here for 38940274893 hours at a time, items such as pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, and air mattresses can be found scattered around the CAD lab as well.

Hopefully we'll be out of here before we need to go back to gather up sleeping supplies. Wish us luck with this crazy project!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Road to the Block

So, Pilot and I have been in here for hmm...two hours? Guess how much we've gotten done. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Oops?

We have redefined detailing for Webster's Dictionary.

Detailing (n.): Death.

I say that pretty much sums it up.

It's so hard when you don't know what you're doing. I've been sitting here Googling and looking at my text book hoping the information will jump into my brain. So far, it hasn't and I'm beginning to think that it never will.

I just keep getting more and more frustrated which makes me want to walk away and never come back. One problem, I kind of need to graduate so that's not really an option.

Maybe Pilot and I will magically understand what we're doing. But so far this Friday night has been worthless.


Glynn CoCo

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Zoom in, Zoom out...

Well... here we are again. Back to business in good ol' Norton Hall. We, as usual these days we are rather confused about out interior detailing project due next week. Our attempts to work productively are true, but road blocks are frequently landing us in the inevitable zoom-in, zoom-out rut. We have found ourselves scrolling around our CAD screens in an attempt to seem efficient when it is merely a sign of life here in the lab. Smalls is currently online searching for deals on orange jump suits for her inevitable trip to Peaches and Cream Insane Asylum. Glynn Coco is hungover from....napping? No alcohol involved, just her severe addiction to bonding with her bed. Bianca is preparing for her trip to Japan. She will be jet skiing across the Pacific Ocean at the request of Google Maps. I am simply sitting back and enjoying the show. I'm sure there will be more after hours antics to come so don't go away!!
