Sunday, February 28, 2010


We've got a situation on our hands. And no, we're not talking about Mike from "Jersey Shore."
A BIG one.
Huge project. Less than a week to complete. Missing materials. Pretty sure fabrics don't just walk away.
Pilot and I (Ci-Ci/Glynn CoCo)are legit FA-REAKING out. Tears have been shed. Angry words have been thrown around. Needless to say, we aren't in the best of moods right now.

Hey all,
Pilot here. I am Fa-reaking out. What to do, what to do? We have been told to contact our school investigator....???? What the heck is his job description.... Investigate the food fight in the cafe?? This is all kinds of ridiculous. The officer would like to know what the value of our fabric samples and drawings are.... 100 hours!!! Anger is the new mood in this prison of ours. What do we do next??


I'm not about to spend 2 more days of my time looking for new fabrics and finishes. It took way too long and I have way too much other stuff to do.
-CiCi and Pilot


7 is the Magic Number...

Story of our lives... EVERYTHING in life takes 7 times longer then we expect it to. Conclusion... there is no way to do everything that needs to be done and expect it to be good. This is a bit of life knowledge we wanted to pass on from Ms. Sisk. I, Bianca, learned it the hard hard did most of us. I think for me its closer to 20 times, but the wolfpack is training me in cutting corners. It's not cheating...just being more efficient. Anyways, though we rarely see the outside world, we learned that this can be applied to real life situations, not just design school. Our travels to Dunkin' Donuts proved that theory. Five of us ordered donuts and some variation of coffee... 30 minutes later (what was she doing...picking and crushing the coffee beans herself?)... we walked out half-satisfied. 30 minutes for take-out!!! Definately an instance where it took 7 times longer than expected. Who could have guessed? At least Pilot was in her happy place staring and longing for the cakes (see picture); some sort of serene calm came over her while the rest of us got irritable and antsy to return to our jail cell called norton (especially me...since once again it was my fault for taking so long- she made my drink wrong). Which brings me to my next point... the diet of an Interior Design major is not a healthy one.
Some Examples:
- Hot pockets at 1:30 am
- Hot Tamales (Pilot's personal fave)
- Goldfish
- Coffee
- Cherry Coke
- Vending machine snacks (sometimes we get free ones from shaking the machine)
The common denominator: anything with caffeine or sugar.

I think we've left you with enough to ponder for one post. Apply the magic number 7 to your lives...its freaky how accurate it is.

For now... Peace and Blessings

- Bianca

Afternoon Delight

Another beautiful Sunday afternoon in Norton, but we're taking a field trip at 2:17 (yes we have issues deciding on times and basically everything else in life) to DUNKIN' DONUTSSSS. Iced coffee and donuts are our salvation at the moment. Until then we're entertaining ourselves by making weird noises. We all have our own noises that we make that mean different things. Its like our own language. CiCi makes this noise when she can't make a decision it kinda goes ooooOooOOooOoOo what do I doooooo (there is a video if I can figure out how to post it, go figure I can draw floor plans, elevations etc on CAD but can't figure out how to upload a video). That's all for now, we'll report back later with more shenanigans.

-Ze Wolfpack

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Little off Track

Here's how my day was supposed to go...
Wake up at 8:30. Shower. Get breakfast at 9:30. Go to Norton and do work until 4.

Here's how my day is going...
Woke up at 11:30
Got into Norton by 12.
Been trying to work on my kitchen elevations but have been distracted by Snooks.

I like to say I have the attention span of a goldfish, especially when it's beautiful outside and I'm stuck in the good old interior design building.
Snooks just tattooed "WOLF PACK" on my knuckles with puffy paint. You can say I'm pretty hardcore now.
Now she's reading texts from last night and distracting me even more. Awesome.
I'm starved annnd have already drifted away from my "to-do" list for the day. Story of my life. Well, our lives.

Here's my new tatoo! I think Snooks has a new calling...

Hopefully we'll be able to concentrate a little better later tonight!

It's a beautiful day, naturally lets enjoy it in the CAD lab

It's a gorgeous Saturday afternoon and where do we seem to find ourselves? If you guessed outside enjoying the wonderful weather, you couldn't be further from the truth. It's crunch time which means every waking moment will be spent in Norton Hall trying to finish our projects just to realize we have other classes outside of design that we maybeeee should do some work for also. The only thing standing between us and spring break is about 6 sleepless days and nights. I know I'm looking forward to being able to go home and relax, but I'm not sure how much relaxing will be going on. The weekend we return back to school the Interiors and Home Furnishings Club (or IHFC for short) is taking a trip to Charleston, SC. Since the majority of us are on the Executive Council (myself being the president, pilot our VP of events, and smalls an SGA rep) we are the ones in charge of making sure this trip goes off without a hitch. So as much as we would like to run away from the world of design for a week, we're bringing it home with us to do some last mintue planning. I know I'm very excited for this trip though and it will be rewarding to see all our hard work has payed off. Thats part of being in this major that makes it bearable. We drive ourselves so crazy that we're all convinced we're mentally insane, but then we look at the finished product, and the late nights and sleep deprived days are worth it. We'll report back later since its pretty calm in the CAD lab right now, but it's just the calm before the storm of crazy begins tonight :) who knows, maybe there will be some late night tag, or pushing each other across the room in rolly chairs later...keep reading!

-Snooks (with CiCi and Smalls)

P.S. We have our first two followers! My mom and Bianca's mom! Yayyyy for moms!

P.P.S. Norton After Hours started approximately 5 minutes after this post, let the craziness begin

Friday, February 26, 2010


Today was an interesting day. It brought many triuphs along with some disapointments. A long night in Norton Hall with snacks, movies, and good friends is the only remedy for our sour thoughts of today. This remedy is the very basis of our procrastination habits. However, We are very happy that Glynn Coco rejoined our community for however short a time it was. Most of our wolf pack is elsewhere tonight but snooks and myself(pilot) are safe and sound in norton hall. We will miss each other exponentially tonight but we will surely reunite in Norton Hall again tomorrow.

Here's to a GREAT end to a soso day in Norton Hall!!!



Back in action...

After being sick, CiCi is back in action! I'm slowly catching up with the other girls for our Residential project. Have set goals for the weekend and hope to goodness I can keep up with them! Here's my to do list (more for myself than anything else).
-Finish Furnished Plan (Today)
-Kitchen Elevations
-Switching & Lighting Plan
And start my perspectives by Sunday!...Or maybe before. But with my procrastination skills, I just don't see that happening.

Smalls is in here with me while all the other wolf pack members are field tripping it up. Needless to say, I'm super jealous. (Hope you ladies aren't having too much fun without me).

We've got a week to go. Stress here we come!
With love,

P.S. We'll fill you in about the VERY exciting news soon soon soon!

Divas fo' sho'

So we are going to be famous, no big deal!...I always knew the wolfpack was meant to do bigger things. I mean our alter egos just scream STARS! We will fill you in later...way too excited to even think right now (all of us are shaking and unable to sleep)!! Keep checking in for updates. (or watch for our appearance on HGTV...that might be next.) We can dream right?

For now everyone...
Peace & Blessings
-Bianca (the one with the sass)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick Day :(

I never thought I'd say this, but I really wish I could've gone to class today. I hate being sick. I've been bored to tears all day and have barely had human contact let alone contact with my interior design girls besides texting. This is tragic.

Never thought I'd say this either, but I really hope I feel better by tomorrow morning so I CAN go to class just because I miss them so much.

Snooks, Bianca, Pilot and Smalls. I can't believe I went a whole day without seeing you! The fact that we will spend our time together NOT sleeping for the next week kiind of excites me. I can't wait! Love you girls so so so much!

P.S. Snooks - your post kind of made me tear up a little bit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interior Design Love

We missed cici in class today she was sick :( All of us tend to get anxious when we spend more than 3 hours apart, we'll text each other things like "what are you doing, I miss you!" even if we were in class alllll day together, ate every meal together, and only live across campus from each other. As much as we complain about the amount of time we spend on projects, its also the time we spend bonding with each other. We've created our own little family here. There's plenty of drama and we get on each others nerves but when it comes down to it we all love each other and will be there for one another no matter what. I don't want to be all sappy but I love each and every one of these girls and the little things they do keep me going throughout my day. For example I just found a little note from slopes on my computer that just made me grin. I'm so lucky to have such great friends :) I hope everyone had a great day and I can't wait to see all my interior design girls in the morning because its been too many hours apart already!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Smalls is coming out

Hellllloooo everyboddy! I am sitting here in yet another interior design class we have lost a fellow wolfpack member. That thing called sleep has taken advantage of a fellow member. May she sleep in peace.
I have occurred a battle wound from this project. To everyone out there I would like to make u aware that hot glue guns are dangerous. BE CAREFUL! They may cause harm to ur health.

Wolfpack member: smalls :)

This post has been transported here by Snooks since smalls created a separate blog instead of just adding to the current one, so silly :)


Our professor Ms. Sisk always says a project always takes seven times longer than you think it should.

Couldn't be more true.

Now I'm going to double that and sleep 14 times longer than I normally do. After class of course.

Free Pancakes!!!

The morning after a very late night. Caffeine is a necessity.I woke up this morning with a drawing of a goldfish cracker transfered from my arm to my....foot?!?! General education classes are creating a bitter mood in most of us. Psycology is the least of our worries in all that we do. Not to mension people will not stop telling irrelevent stories about people no one knows. People are boring to death. Staying awake has become a competition between Cici, Smalls, Snooks, and myself(Pilot). Facebook and Silly online games are the name of the game. Snooks Phone just went off for free pancakes at IHOP tonight. Free food....I think yes. The anticipation of warm fluffy goodness is the only remedy to our lack of energy. Let's see what else today brings.


Delusion Hits.

Tonight I dared Snooks, Pilot and Bianca to drive around the Norton water fountain circle to see how many rounds it would take for me to go get the stuff I needed out of my locker and back. They agreed. Total was eight.
Seeing them laughing to tears when I got back was worth the trip.

-CiCi (aka Glynn Co Co)

While taking a short trip to the other drafting room, slopes (our ginger, asian friend), dr.krunklehorn, and the only one without an alter ego, had started dancing from delirium. Slopes was kind enough to demonstrate her dancing which is reminiscent of a 70 year old woman combined with the Elaine dance. Cracking up from watching this I decided to do the Elaine dance myself which was so spectacular it cause the only one without an alter ego to fall to the ground and pee her pants. She then tried the Elaine dance herself, pulled a muscle and almost peed her pants again. Don't say no one ever told you how dangerous interior design could be. Late night project injuries are common, although not always quite as entertaining as pulling a muscle while doing the Elaine dance. That's all for now, back to work!-Snooks

Staying up until 7 to finish projects then get free pancakes may or may not be a possibility....

5 A.M. and CiCi is left alone in Norton. :( Boards all done and ready go for lighting! Now on to studying for my Sociology Exam at 9:30. Hope I can make it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

On the Verge of a Break- Down...

So this is abnormal...we don't normally ALL break down at the same time. We don't quite know how to handle this situation. Ingrid turned off her phone. Pilot is twitching. We made an executive decision to forgo one of our pointless assignments in order to complete our project. By the way everybody...Ingrid is making her first guest appearance and what an entrance she made. If you are sensing our bi-polar are right on! This blog is turning into a therapeutic outlet to our unstable state-of being. Glynn Co-Co hurry up with that Mental might be soon that we all end up there.

- Bianca

The Morning After...MESS

Ughhhhh...the end

My alarm didnt go off this was one of those mornings. Whyyyy do I think it's a good idea to stay up until 5:30 am?? Oh wait...I have no choice!! Such is the life of Bianca and the rest of the wolf pack. Mess.

My life just became mess x 10 in the last 10 minutes after this discussion. Does anyone know a good psychiatrist that can give us a group rate? Pretty sure we're all insane for choosing this major...yup. PS, chips and cherry coke, breakfast of champions.
Snooks just offered me Sour Cream and Onion Chips for breakfast. Nooo thank you! it's too early for that!

I feel like death. I needed an incentive to stay up and do work, so i did my laundry and 3am. Bad idea. I thought I felt pretty good when I woke up at 7:45. Snooze for 15 minutes and magically couldn't get my exhausted body out of my bed. I put too much volumizing moose in my hair. Needless to say, it's a not so good hair day. Annnd...It's raining. Bianca summed it up pretty well with "mess."
And about that psychiatrist. No need. I've got the mental hospital color scheme under wraps. It'll be ready for us soon. -CiCi

Our First Post Beyotches!

Hi. We're procrastinating. We're interior design majors but we're also pretty pro in the procrastination department (hence the starting of this blog). Pretty sure this blog is going to make us famous. Maybe HGTV will notice us someday (Hey Candice Olsen!). We're design students by day, but have alter egos by night. Pilot, Bianca, and Smalls, age 20. CiCi and Snooks, age 21. Some people think we put our projects off to the last minute But, nope. The projects take days, weeks almost. But, it's the night before it's due that we truly crack down. We refer to this as "crunch time." We've been here almost 12 hours, at 1:30 am, the night is young in Norton Hall and when it truly becomes Norton After Hours.

We're highly amused by the antics that ensue instead of the work we're doing, so you should be too. (Don't let the tabs fool you into thinking we're educated). "Guys, this is so funny!" -CiCi. See we think we're funny. Hilarious actually. HIGHLARIOUS. hahahahahahaha

The sounds of Norton Hall consist of constant laughter, random humming and non-stop references from "The Hangover."

Pilot and Bianca are working diligently in the drafting room on their boards that are due on Tuesday. Smalls is sleeping in her nice cozy bed (beyotch). "I forgot what mine looks like"-CiCi "Me too"-Snooks. And, CiCi and Snooks are doing what they do best, procrastinating in the CAD lab.

Here's a little present of what to expect to come. (Notice the "Greek Design & Decoration" book in her never stops)