Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Delusion Hits.

Tonight I dared Snooks, Pilot and Bianca to drive around the Norton water fountain circle to see how many rounds it would take for me to go get the stuff I needed out of my locker and back. They agreed. Total was eight.
Seeing them laughing to tears when I got back was worth the trip.

-CiCi (aka Glynn Co Co)

While taking a short trip to the other drafting room, slopes (our ginger, asian friend), dr.krunklehorn, and the only one without an alter ego, had started dancing from delirium. Slopes was kind enough to demonstrate her dancing which is reminiscent of a 70 year old woman combined with the Elaine dance. Cracking up from watching this I decided to do the Elaine dance myself which was so spectacular it cause the only one without an alter ego to fall to the ground and pee her pants. She then tried the Elaine dance herself, pulled a muscle and almost peed her pants again. Don't say no one ever told you how dangerous interior design could be. Late night project injuries are common, although not always quite as entertaining as pulling a muscle while doing the Elaine dance. That's all for now, back to work!-Snooks

Staying up until 7 to finish projects then get free pancakes may or may not be a possibility....

5 A.M. and CiCi is left alone in Norton. :( Boards all done and ready go for lighting! Now on to studying for my Sociology Exam at 9:30. Hope I can make it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. We are def getting free pancakes. After we all sleep past dinner time. -cici
